Monday, August 4, 2008

Crossing the street is a memorable experience for most visitors to this part of the world. When given advice about Viet Nam, the first thing people usually tell you is how to cross the street. The trick is, you have to walk with confidence, look both ways, even on a one way street because bikes and scooters often are going the wrong way, and know that the traffic will never completely stop, so an ebb is what you are waiting for. My advice is to play the game Frogger for a few days in preparation for your trip because this is that game on the ground. This was crossing during an uncongested moment. I would not attempt to film crossing in a congested moment. After a few times of seeing your life flash in front of your eyes, you get used to it. There is not much order here with the traffic. Those who are the most aggresive and with the loudest horn win. But, if there is an accident, it is always the fault of the person in the larger vehicle. So if a scooter hits a car, the car is responsible. Pedestrians are the smallest so maybe that is why the cars do so well avoiding hitting us.

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